Ms. A, 28 years old, clerk.
First diagnosis date 2023-05-12
Right side paralysis for 1 week. The patient had right neck pain on 3/5. Right side paralysis and right side headache started on the evening of 5/5. Currently taking steroids. Insomnia. Palpitations worsened today. Tongue numbness.
Last menstrual cycle: 3-11/5. Heavy flow on the 1st to 3rd day of menstruation. For many years, she have had menstrual pain, stomachache, and vomiting on the first day of menstruation.
Facial nerve palsy first occurred in 2008 (left)
Past history: Confirmed heart disease since birth: Tetralogy of Fallot. On July 8, 2020, PVR+PA repair (pulmonary valve replacement and pulmonary artery repair) was performed. ASPIRIN was taken after surgery until October 2022, but was stopped due to excessive menstrual flow (uterine bleeding).
Pulse: thin and stringy. Red tip of tongue, thin white coating.
Treatment: Acupuncture on the face, hands and feet, combined with Chinese medicine prescriptions: with the purpose of nourishing the heart, kidneys, spleen and stomach, unblocking the meridians and dispelling wind.
From May 12 to August 15, a total of 41 acupuncture sessions were performed, and the facial paralysis was basically cured. After that, the patient had two follow-up visits per month, and each time the prescription lasted for 5 to 7 days. The prescription was mainly to nourish the heart, kidney, spleen and stomach, dredge the meridians, and warm the uterus. When the menstruation came in January 2024, the menstrual discomfort completely disappeared.
Difficulty on analysis:
1. After heart surgery, patients are in a state of Qi and blood deficiency for a long time, and heavy menstrual bleeding makes their Qi and blood even more deficient. The cause of facial paralysis is often related to the original deficiency. If accompanied by insomnia, bad mood, high life pressure, or wind, it is easy to cause facial paralysis. Through acupuncture on the face, hands and feet, and Chinese medicine prescriptions, most patients can recover.
2. Abdominal pain, stomachache, vomiting, etc. during menstruation can be treated by warming the uterus, nourishing the spleen and stomach, and unblocking the meridians. Heavy menstrual flow can boost Qi, nourish the kidneys, and stop bleeding. However, some unblocking drugs can increase the risk of bleeding; anti-wind drugs combined with unblocking drugs can enhance the anti-wind effect, but using both at the same time can easily cause bleeding and increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to combine Qi-tonifying drugs to consolidate Qi and blood in order to achieve unblocking the meridians and dispelling wind without causing excessive bleeding. In addition, Panax notoginseng is a commonly used blood vessel unblocking drug because it has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding at the same time, achieving a two-way regulation to avoid bleeding caused by blood vessel unblocking drugs. On the contrary, aspirin, with its strong blood vessel unblocking effect, is likely to cause bleeding at the same time.
3. Postoperative care for heart disease: Even though the patient’s heart has generally recovered, the tissue used for the arterial valve replacement is not human tissue, which is prone to autoimmune reactions and blood coagulation. Therefore, aspirin must be taken for a long time, which has the opposite effect of causing menstrual bleeding. However, Chinese herbal compound can balance the removal of blood stasis and bleeding tendency, achieving a balance between replenishing qi, removing blood stasis, and stopping bleeding, greatly reducing the patient’s discomfort.
acupuncture treatment for facial nerve palsy and menstrual regulation